Monday, January 09, 2006

When I think of movies, I think of entertainment. I like movies that make people smile. I like movies that celebrate life. Yes, I would definitely want a movie to be meaningful rather than one with a whole set of songs and some dialogues in between. But I would not go in for too serious movies. I am not at all a fan of "reality bites" kinda movies.

I have always thought that watching movies is an elusion from routine and harsh realities. In simple words, it is a two and half hours get away. May be that is why I never completely enjoy the "art movies". I have majorly gone into depression after watching some "serious" movies. :)) This is not to take away any credit from those excellent directors and actors. Some of them might be trying to give a message through their movies. But I personally feel that the moral of the story hits people more when it is given with a smile.:))) Maybe even Aesop felt the same and so he made the fables interesting and entertaining. :))


Hash Gowda said...

Hmmm.... I know the reason why this topic is been discussed here :)

Madhooo said...

:))))))) You caught me there.

i-me-moi said...

Reality Bites is a good movie by the way. It does celebrate life in many ways :-)