Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Why is that as luxuries increase, our life tends to become more complex? Because we do not have to bother so much about the basic amenities in life, do we start searching for some matter to think or worry? Why do the smallest of all tensions becomes our major headache and drives us to depression? Why do we start analysing every thought? Why do we start interpreting ours or others' actions? Why do we start building walls around ourselves? Why do we start concentrating on the darker side of life? Why do our demands become more and more?

Some situations: ( a destitute and a software engineer, for example)
Destitute: Will I be able to get some food today?
Software Engineer: When will I upgrade my mobile, man?
Destitute: Will I get a shelter today at least?
Software Engineer: Shit! His car is better than mine
Destitute: I need some cloth to cover my body.
Software Engineer: I hate this brand, man. They never come out with torn jeans.



Sunil said...

Ha ha ha...
Desire is what Powers you ahead. When you stop "wanting" for more... there is nothing much for you to "live for" !!
Life is all about the "Sweet Success" yuu taste after a 'well fought' struggle !!!

Madhooo said...

Right...But man also tends to become grredy. He wants more and more and is never satisfied.