Thursday, December 18, 2008

The Little Penguin Parade

A couple of weeks back, we had gone to Philip Island to watch the penguin parade. Initially when we came to Melbourne, we had visited Philip Island Wildlife park. As we had very less time, we could not make it to the Penguin Parade. So this time, we went there only to see the penguins.

These special visitors ( penguins) arrive at the island only at sunset. So if you are planning to go to watch them during summer, then you will have to wait till 8:30 PM or later. These penguins are the smallest and their parade on the beach is the most awaited event in the island.

We were on time to watch the penguins. But it was a Sunday so there was a lot of rush to watch the parade. We managed to get the tickets for the general viewing platform. If you are an early bird, then you can buy tickets for Penguins Plus viewing platform from where you can get a closer look at the penguins.

So we sat there along with the other audience waiting for the special visitors. I found it a bit strange coz we all sat facing the ocean waiting for something to happen. And then we saw them: the little penguins. They are supposed to be the smallest penguins in the world. Initially we could just see a black mass movement along the beach. As the mass approached closer, we saw that it was actually a colony of penguins. It was great fun to see them tottering on the beach and waddling to their homes. Penguins are supposed to be social birds. So as soon as they landed on the beach, you could hear them cackling loudly as if they were catching up with each other after a long time.

We almost followed most of the penguins to their homes. It was an amazing experience to watch so many of them, that too so close! The experience was so fulfilling that we did not mind driving back home late at night. We carried home the image of the waddling little penguins with us.:)

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